ENV 102 Research Methods 1
This course covers an overview of the research and information requirements of plans, programs, and projects. It also covers data collection and analytical tools, and presentation of research findings.
Here is the class outline:
1. Demographic Analysis for PlanningDemographic analysis seeks to understand the dynamics of a population through the investigation of various processes: birth, migration, aging including death. We will investigate the size and structure of population and how these are changing. Such demographic profile of a locale provides planners and users of the Comprehensive Land Use Plan general information on the composition and distribution of the population of the city or municipality. Information on population will serve as basis for determining the level of needs for socio-economic services such as schools, health centers, electricity, utilities, protective services, and various economic activities. |
2. Doing socio-economic research for planning
Sep 10
Improving the level of human and economic development of a community or a municipality is one of the major tasks of a local government. To achieve this, the government has to consider the social and economic aspects of development. Social and economic planning cover any or all of the following activities: (1) planning social services (e.g., health, education, housing, social welfare); (2) planning to improve the general quality of life of the population, or of a particular sector of the population; (3) assessing how social characteristics of the people are likely to affect the implementation of a particular policy, programme or project; (4) planning to improve the position of disadvantaged groups of people (e.g., the poor, women, children, the disabled); and (5) planning in a way that involves the people who will be affected by whatever is being planned. A student of planning has to decide what data to collect and how to analyse collected data in order to provide relevant information that is needed in all the different stages of planning including the initial identification of a problem or objective, the identification and assessment of alternative policies, programmes or projects, monitoring the implementation process, and finally the evaluation of the impact of the plan. The following guide questions are helpful in conducting a social and economics analysis: 1. What is the health situation in the locality measured in terms of mortality, morbidity, incidence of diseases and such other indicators? 2. What is the state of education measured in terms of literacy rate, ratio of enrolment to school-going population and other indicators? 3. What is the housing situation in the locality measured in terms of housing needs? 4. What is the poverty incidence in the locality? How do this related to the provincial or national level? What factors brought about the locality's level of poverty? 5. What amenities, facilities, and services are present in terms of physical, mental and social development of an individual and the community at large? Are these enough? Are these accessible and equitably distributed in the locality? Are these services also being availed by neighbouring towns? 6. What environmental concerns/issues need to be addressed? |
3. SWOT Analysis
Sep 17
SWOT analysis is a technique to assess the internal and external factors affecting a business or an organization, as well as current and future potential. Using internal and external information, SWOT analysis can guide businesses or organization toward strategies that will make them more competitive and successful. SWOT stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. SWOT analysis can clarify the world in which the business or an organization operates and help it create a strategic plan for its envisioned future. |
4. Vulnerability Analysis and Problem Tree
Sep 24
A problem tree analysis provides a quick glance of various issues contribute to a problem and how this problems result into a set of consequences. It is a useful tool in project planning, where it maps out the main problem and the causes and consequences of the problem. We conduct problem tree analysis because it breaks down the problem into manageable and definable pieces. The process of doing the analysis helps build a shared sense of understanding purpose, and action. |
5. Logical Framework
Oct 21
The Logical Framework is a tool used during the project definition and selection stages. It is also used during the planning, monitoring and evaluation stages of project management. It provides a structured format for describing the major elements of a project and pinpoints the relationships among these elements. It allows the project team to address possible concerns that may appear during the implementation of the project. |
6. Stakeholder Analysis
Oct 22
7. Systems Analysis / Cause-Effect Analysis
Oct 22