BSA-16: Quantitative Methods
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Covers quantitative analytical methods and techniques used in business management, such as linear programming, decision making under uncertainty and risk, waiting line (queuing) models and forecasting techniques.
Course Description
Covers quantitative analytical methods and techniques used in business management, such as linear programming, decision making under uncertainty and risk, waiting line (queuing) models and forecasting techniques.
Course Objectives
1. To acquaint the students with quantitative techniques used in business.
2. To help business students develop a systematic and objective way of making decisions.
3. To provide students with the tools to help them run efficient businesses.
Grading System
Exams (3) 75%
Quizzes/ Exercises 25%
Grade Equivalent
97-100 5.0
93-96 4.5
89-92 4.0
85-88 3.5
81-84 3.0
77-80 2.5
73-76 2.0
69-72 1.5
65-68 1.0
Less than 65 F
Levin, Richard, et. al., “Quantitative Approaches to Management”, 8th edition, McGraw Hill