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BA 110: Business Communication (Business Administration and Accounting)

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This course is focused on the fundamentals of communication as a business tool in today’s global economy. This is also designed to assist students in developing their oral and writing ability, which is imperative in effectively communicating within and outside of the organization.


The course is aimed at helping each student achieve the following:

1. To gain a working knowledge of the theory and practice/application of corporate/business communication within the context of Philippine and global organizations.

2. To acquire a meaningful understanding of the dynamics of communication, its framework, process elements and concepts in relation to the nature of business and          its organization.

3. To appreciate how this powerful tool serves as an integral part of the business and    personal well-being or development.

4. To assess and chart own personal brand image and values (as well as own     Curriculum Vitae) in order to determine how to effectively look, sound, communicate          and behave, which are manifestations of professionalism and success.

5. To demonstrate ease, articulateness and creativity on the following:

  • Ability to write grammatically correct business letters/correspondences in various forms, namely: letters, memorandum/memoranda, reports, proposals, research and documentation, internal communications, etc.
  • Ability to listen and respond to business communication demands and requirements identified for this course.
  • Deliver effectively various forms of business presentations, e.g. demonstrations, sales presentation, sales pitch, handling client and customer needs/feedback.
  • Demonstrate confidence and character refinement in various business communication dynamics and settings as they explore multi-regional and diverse cultural environments.

I. Communication Processes in Business Communication

      1.1 Communication Fundamentals
      1.2 Importance of Communication

      1.3 Approaches in Business Communication

      1.4 Business Communication and your Career

      1.5 Communication, Business and You

1.6 Formal Contact with Outsiders

      1.7 The Role of Marketing and Public Relations

      1.8 Crisis Communication
1.9 Characteristics of Effective
      Organization Communications
      1.10 Legal Considerations
      1.11 What You Owe Your Employer

II. The Business Letter

 2.1 Getting Ready to Write a Business Letter
 2.2 Uses of Business Writing Skills

       2.3 Specific Features of Business Writing

       2.4 Letter Language and Format

III. Resume and Job Application

       3.1 Resume and Cover Letter
       3.2 Format and Elements
IV. Interviewing for Employment and Follow-up
       4.1 The Interview Process
       4.2 The Typical Sequence of Interviews
       4.3 Types of Interview
       4.4 Basic Guidelines
       4.5 Employment Testing
       4.6 What Employers Look For
       4.7 Qualification for a Job
       4.8 What Applicants Need to Find Out
       4.9 How to Prepare for a Job Interview
V. Business Memorandum Reports
       5.1 Purpose of Business Reports
       5.2 Purpose of Information Reports
       5.3 Qualification for a Job
VI. Business Communication and the WWW
       6.1 The Email – Dos and Don’ts
       6.2 Impact of Technology
VII. Business Technical Writing
       7.1 Types and Language