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Visual Arts

CA-109: Television Production

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CA-109 is concerned with the understanding of the nature of television as a medium of communication, and its production techniques and processes. Students are given the chance to study various program-types and to produce these programs.


Course Description:                
This course familiarizes the student with the basic concepts and techniques of broadcasting and production in general, and in particular by means of Television, the most influential mass medium in the Philippines and all over the world, where commercial, political, social, and educational interests vie for its power in molding public opinion. There will be training in and experience of the principles and practices of television broadcasting through its two main techniques, the Multi-Camera Technique and the Single Camera Technique. There will be practical group exercises involving the Television Talk Show, the Television Drama, and the Television Variety Show. Individual work will involve the preparation of a Storyboard for a short Television Announcement (a commercial and a public service announcement). Continuous assessment will be provided through written exams, practical project work, class participation through group discussions, and individual reflection papers, as well as guided observation and analysis.
Course Objectives:
 Upon completion of the course, the students are expected to
     1.      Have a basic understanding of the basic concepts, presentation methods, and prodcution skills   
              required in television  programs, such as research, scriptwriting, camera and microphone
              techniques, performing, directing, recording and editing, set design and lighting and program
              analysis and evaluation;
      2.     Be able to use the techniques of television production creatively and innovatively;
      3.     Have an appreciation for the utilization of television as a   communication medium which aids   
              nation building and community development through social change;
      4.     Have an acquaintance with the basic equipment used in television production and with various      
              television program  formats through “hands on” experience;
      5.     Acquire familiarization with various studio situations in order to gain practical knowledge of
              operational, presentation, and production procedures;
      6.     Acquire professional standards in television broadcasting and production. 
 Value Aims:               
      1.     The students are expected to
      2.     Enrich their creativity and innovativeness by thinking “out of the box”;
      3.     Acquire a sense of cooperation with their peers through group work;
      4.     Imbibe the virtues of professionalism and competence;
      5.     Engage in critical analysis and thinking, particularly on matters that may endanger the freedom   
              and responsibility of communication for the common good;
      6.     Provide access to television broadcasting for those who have difficulty in getting their views  
      7.     Identify and suggest positive means by which television can uplift Filipino values and promote  
              community and national development;
      8.     Express the genuine identity of our people;
      9.     Maintain the respect for the rights and sensitivities of all; people, especially the sacredness of
              individual dignity;
    10.     Preserve the honor and sanctity of the family and home;
    11.     Be able to move people towards involvement and
    12.     Participation in gender equality, environmental awareness and conservation, and sustainable
    13.     Realize the importance of a free and balanced flow of information;
    14.      Become Christian communicators truly aware of the duties and responsibilities of a practitioner.
The class will devote the whole semester to actual writing and production. To prepare the students for their outputs, there will be introductory and perspective setting lectures, discussions,and demonstrations.
Students will work on their scripts and productions individually and collectively, based on approved proposals. After the final output is accomplished, the class will critique each work on the quality of the script, the innovativeness of the presentation, and the creative and technical merits of the actual production.
Course Requirements:
            TV Interview Topic                                                                    
            TV Talk Show recording                                                
            TV Talk Show script                                                      
            TV Talk Show reflection paper                                       
            TV Drama recording                                                     
            TV Drama script                                                                       
            TV Drama reflection paper                                            
            TV Spot Storyboard                                                     
            TV Variety Show recording                                            
            TV Variety Show script                                                 
            TV Variety Show reflection paper                                  
            Course attendance and participation                              
Please note: Since this is a practical course which requires the continued presence of the students, attendance is to be strictly observed and will be taken into consideration in determining the student’s final grade. Maximum number of cuts is 3.   Overcut will merit a failing grade. Unlimited cuts policy will not apply, even to Dean’s Listers. Neither will participation in extra-curricular activities.
Grading System:
After the final grade has been computed numerically using the above system, the following letter grade system will be applied:
     Numerical Grade                      Letter Grade             Designation
3.6-4.0                                      A                      Excellent
3.1-3.5                                      B+                    Above Average
2.6-3.0                                     B                      Very Good
2.1-2.5                                      C+                    Good
1.6-2.0                                      C                      Fair
1.1-1.5                                      D                      Pass
0.5-1.0                                      F                      Fail
Technical Requirements:
For all sessions:           
            Full Television recording and playback facilities
            Four microphones
            Two Audio-CD Players
            One VHS Recorder/Player
            Sound Mixer
            Talkback and Playback Facilities (loudspeakers) in Studio and
                        Control Room.
            Computer for PowerPoint Presentations.
            Air-conditioning in Studio and Control Room.
Note: Students must provide their own VHS Cassette tapes (C90) for all recordings.