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Visual Arts

CA-133: Digital Filmmaking

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Digital Filmmaking is an exploration of the changes in work flow and technique that digital technology has brought to film and video production. It will introduce students to the specific application of digital technology in three specific phases / aspects of production, namely image acquisition (production), digital image manipulation (visual effects) and nonlinear video editing (post-production). Skills and knowledge gained through lectures and demonstrations will be applied in various short and long-form production exercises in the various styles such as montage and documentary.


The course aims to:

1)       Provide the necessary background on and understanding of how digital technology has impacted and changed the workflow and processes of filmmaking,

2)       Provide the necessary grasp of the theoretical and technical aspects of digital film production,

3)       Provide an opportunity to experience film production firsthand, through a series of digital film projects

4)       To showcase the artistic and creative talents of the students through a documentary film festival and competition at the end of the course


The course aims to instill the following values:

1)        A deep appreciation for the diligence, sense of responsibility, maturity and discipline needed in all forms of production work,

2)        The ability to work with diversity, uncertainty and under pressure,

3)        A deepened social consciousness through research and interaction,

4)        Awareness and willingness to utilize media for instigating social action and change.


The course is divided into several modules that will correspond to a particular phase or aspect of film and video production that is influenced by the introduction of digital technology. An introduction and comparison of workflow and style will be conducted in lectures, hands-on demonstrations and film screenings.

Each module will culminate in a production exercise deigned to gauge the students’ mastery of the knowledge and skills taught.


  1. Orientation to the Course

      This part of the course will introduce the  

       student to the general structure, policies

       and requirements of the course.

       Expectations from both the instructor and

             the students will be heard.


  1. Introduction to Digital Filmmaking

This module will provide students with a complete understanding of how digital technology has come about and changed the process and workflow in filmmaking today, in various aspects such as production technology, production mechanics and logistics, screenwriting, production, exhibition and marketing. An introduction/refresher on the basics of film grammar will also be provided to ensure that students are all equipped with the requisite master of the visual language of film needed in producing various genres and styles of film.


PRODUCTION DUE: 1 Minute Continuity Film Exercise


  1. Digital Cinematography and Image Acquisition

This module will introduce the students to the innovations in both technology and style brought about by the introduction of digital camera technology to filmmaking. Hands-on familiarization exercises on various forms of digital acquisition technology will be conducted to give students firsthand experience in working with industry-standard equipment. The fundamentals of cinematography will also be tackled in a day-long lighting and camera workshop to enable students to understand and experience the mechanics of a standard film shoot.


PRODUCTION DUE: 1 minute Mise-en-scene Film exercise (Public Service Announcement)


  1. Digital Image Manipulation and Visual Effects

In this module, students will learn about the impact of digital technology on the film processes of manipulating and correcting imagery. The fundamentals of performing image compositing, masking, color keying and color correction will be discussed and applied, utilizing the Adobe After Effects software package, along with industry-standard production approaches. This knowledge on special and visual effects will be applied in the manipulation of different forms of video source material.


PRODUCTION DUE: 3 minute Montage (Music Video)


  1. Digital Post-Production

This module is an extensive look at the changes and innovation brought about by digital technology in the realm of film and video postproduction, specifically nonlinear editing (NLE) software packages such as Adobe Premiere and Apple Final Cut. Hands-on exercises will be conducted to provide students with an opportunity to develop not only their mastery of the software packages, but of the basic fundamentals of editing visuals in various styles and approaches.


PRODUCTION DUE: 15-20 minute Documentary



Throughout the course, lectures will be conducted to equip the students with the requisite skills and knowledge needed to come up with an understanding of the application and impact of digital technology in the process of filmmaking. Film screenings will be conducted to exhibit actual examples of how digital technology has changed the workflow and process of filmmaking. In addition, in-class demonstrations and masterclasses will be conducted to provide the students an opportunity to be exposed to and to have hands-on experiences in the use of actual technologies that are being utilized in digital filmmaking. Production exercises will be given at the end of each module to enable the students to creatively apply the skills and knowledge gained from the lectures and demonstrations.


Whenever possible, collaborative production exercises will be conducted with other digital media production classes such as Digital Imaging and Digital Sound Production. At the end of the course, a documentary film festival and competition will be held to showcase the work of the students and to provide a venue for healthy and constructive competition among the student filmmakers.