Learning Management System Workshop using Edu 2.0
A course - from the perspective of a teacher or subject matter expert (SME) - on how to use edu20.org as a learning platform. Want some quick tips and how-tos on using edu20.org? Enroll in this course to get up to speed on the various communication and participation tools of this learning management system.
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Learning Management System Workshop using Edu 2.0
I. Discover
A. Welcome Participants
B. Facilitators Introduction
C. Leveling/Setting of expectations (K-W-L)
D. Overview of the course and training schedule
B. History/Background of Edu20.org (Video)
C. Edu20.org Features, Advantages, Benefits
A. Step-by-step hands-on tour of the site
B. Create an account
C. Join a School as a "student"
D. Participate in "class activities"
E. Receive grades
IV. Co-Create
A. Create a school
B. Create a class
C. Enroll students in a class
D. Add lessons and resources
E. Set assignments/tests
F. Formulate Rubrics for grading
V. Summary/Conclusion/Next Steps